Monday, December 17, 2007

The Night My Love For You Died

I sat next to the bed holding's my love head in my hands

Just trying to make since trying to understand how it got this way

Breath I whispered in my love's ear, hold on, don't die

And that seemed to work for a very long time

Until I got the phone call that my love for you had died

A slow death indeed, a pain I meticulous endoured

Bleed on my satin sheets, cried on serra pillows alone

Fought for this love even when you turn your back back on it

This dissappoint was a burning ointment applied to my life

It hurt me, which in turn hurt us, which in turn murdered trust

And without that trust, my love had nothing to live for

So I sat bed side of my love watching it pass away

Urging me to just let go

I tried to make my love remember the good times

And it was enough to rewind but only for a short time

Because I ran out of good times to tell

So now all my love could remember was the hell

The hell you put us through, and even you remember how bad that was

I didn't cry when I heard the news, yet I was kind of enthused

No longer torcered, no longer in pain, no longer abused

A better place I might add my love for you has gone and there it shall rest

I just wanted to tell you, just so you know

My love for you died a couple nights ago

No funeral services, a cremation was its last request

So I will let it burn, I think that that is best

And without that love, theres no need to stay

I've lost trust and now my love for you has gone away

So good bye

My whole reason for speaking to you was to let you know my love for has died




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