Friday, June 27, 2008

Generation Y
I am considered a member of the millennium Y generation. The generation of technology and super genius babies. The generations of accountability and a dire need of acceptance. I am Y. I learned this after a conversation with my mother. Sheltlew (co host of Real Talk) and I sat on her couch one evening, enjoying a HBO flick with our laptops on our laps. I checked my myspace as he read through his facebook postings. She let out a laugh and went on to explain a study she read about "our kind". We like things fast and efficient without having to do much. We want things done, but we want them perfect. She said we find enjoyment in whatever the Internet has to offer as oppose to the baby boomer generation that prefers life slow. An in depth conversation for my generation happens over a text message, while her generation...face to face. Why was this important to know? She said that in her field (management and development) it was important to understand generation Y, and understand why we do some of the things we do. We can't be managed like baby boomers. We have to feel needed and understand why and how everything works. She also included that if the desire to feel needed is not met, we quickly remove ourselves from that situation or place of employment to find someone who needs us. Surprised by the analysis, I couldn't do anything but agree with her. Often I find myself searching to feel needed somewhere. I like to take normally drawn out task and make them simple. I figured that it was just me. Yet after reading the article for myself, I find that I was born into a culture that promotes my way of thinking. After hearing that, a light turned on in the tiny room I thought I shared alone and noticed so many other twenty some thing's. If I come from this generation, I wonder how the next generation will be. We like fast and faster in my generation. Perhaps the next generation will pump the breaks on the speed life and encourage enjoying every moment and not rush time.

Write is Right


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

thye question is how long will the light stay onn sister
great post

Don said...

I agree with the title of your blog.

K-Swiss said...

LMAO, I didn't even know I was in Generation Y. You put me on 1975-1985 is generation Y. I didn't know we even had a name!


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